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Lab 1: CaRoman island in Venice and Tortulo-Scabiosetum association, 18-23 July 2021

By Branko Andjic, participant in Venice Lab 

Tortulo-Scabiosetum is the name for the association of mosses from genus Tortula and vascular plants from genus Scabiosa, which grow together at the same spot. Tortulo-Scabiosetum was first time described by Pignatti 1952 year. He consider this alliances endemic of the  N-Adriatic  coast.

This association is a perennial dry short-grassland whose structure is mainly determined by a thick carpet of moss. Tortulo-Scabiosetum is association which is shaped by perennial species and grow in a temperate bioclimate. This type of community is growing on dunes today. Tortulo-Scabiosetum is a threatened community due to the human alterations of the dunal systems.

One of the most beautiful communities Tortulo-Scabiosetum is located on the island of CaRoman, near Venice, and it needs urgent protection so that it can be used for educational and research purposes in the future. Tortulo-Scabiosetum is is shown in photo 1.

Photo 1. Tortulo-Scabiosetum from island CaRoman.

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